About Us

Kioo Cha Jamii (Social mirror) is a Community, Social and Economic development non-profit organization that aims at building the capacity of communities in vulnerable communities for the promotion and realization of economic empowerment, good governance, accountability and peacebuilding among the communities.

The objectives of Kioo Cha Jamii (KCJ) are built on a foundation of realizing that the communities are resourceful and have the potential to tap into the available resources to improve their livelihoods, ensure proper and quality service delivery and foster peace and cohesion among each other.

More About Us

Livelihood for better Lives

In order to respond wholesomely to the aforementioned, KCJ- Initiative approach to program delivery is collaborative in nature; prioritizing meaningful partnerships with local communities, county governments and national government agencies to synergize efforts towards sustained solutions.
Our mission is to impact the lives of vulnerable communities through partnerships to promote sustained empowerment initiatives and long-term well-being
Our vision is to have Healthy and Resilient Communities in Kenya
  • Integrity
  • Inclusivity
  • Hope For all
Strategic Pillars:
Positive impact is our main goal


We are ready to achieve a sustainable living for all that we can reach


Through innovation we can make life easier for all

Our Patners

With the help of these patners, we believe we can achieve so much in improving the lives of the community we serve.

Nairobi County

Working with us

Kilifi County

Working with us

Community Stakeholders

Working with us

Migori County

Working with us

Kisumu County

Working with us

Homabay County

Working with us

Kilifi County

Working with us

Civil Society organisations

Working with us